I’ve always struggled with putters. Put me 180 yards out with a 5 iron and I’m a happy man…
But how much confidence does the ‘right’ putter give you? A
friend of mine, Daniel, is lethal with his blade putter. It is so small it
looks like it’ll go right under the ball. He plays off 18 and uses it
brilliantly. At least once during every round he declares his love for it. I
look at mine and file for divorce. Is it any wonder he sinks them
and I don’t.
Am I Alone Here!
Answer me this: how did you choose your putter?
Recommendation? Looks? Feel? Price? And where did you get it from?
The thing is, I cannot bring myself to buy a new putter. I
do not want to invest €120 in a club that I know I’ll always fear, occasionally
reward with a loving kiss, but usually slam back in the bag.
So I came up with a simple solution: get my dad a new one
for his birthday and then slink off with it… after an acceptable period of time
(two weeks as it turned out). Even better, get my sister to buy him a putter
and improve my alibi.
We All Stand Together
My dad and I were chatting recently, discussing our putting
woes (his are actually worse than mine), and we did a quick evaluation of the putters that we own
between us. We have four: he has two, both of which are mine (one I won and one
I bought in 2004); and I have two, both of which are his (gifts from my sister
and me).
It got me
thinking: do other people find themselves in a similar position? I did a little
research and asked the following question on three different golf forums:
Where Did You
Get the Putter You Are Currently Using?
Sandtrap (USA)
purchased it myself
78% (52)
88% (75)
85% (35)
I won it
as a prize
4% (3)
5% (4)
2% (1)
I was
given it as a present
4% (3)
2% (2)
9% (4)
I borrowed
it/was given it by someone else
14% (9)
5% (4)
2% (1)
It is the last set of figures I was interested in. I
appreciate that 193 responses are hardly conclusive, but the Irish seem more
willing to borrow/give a putter than their British and American counterparts. It doesn't prove a thing of course, but it makes me feel a lot better!
A couple of people replied to say they made their own, so
that’s a category I could have included. Then again, the last time I had a
putter made for me was when I was nine, and my grandfather made it out of
insulating pipe and a block of skirting board.
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