So often when winter comes, courses batten down the hatches and go in to
an automaton state for the winter. I’m not talking about the work on the course
or the members filling in the reduced timesheets every week – I’m talking about
the focus on visitors and societies. Passionate summer golfers have faded into
the TV armchair personnel who shout at referees, scream in glory or rage at
perceived injustices.
Now is the time when hardcore golfers thrive. And the beautiful Lough
Erne Resort is giving these golfers every opportunity to play, with a wide
range of events running from November to January. Entry to any and all of these events is £40pp, so if you've never had the privilege now would be a good time.
Events and Tournaments 2013/14
1. Sunday November 3rd 2013
Halloween Team of 4
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
2. Sunday 22nd December 2013
Junior Scratch Cup
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
3. Friday 27th December 2013
Pairs 4ball Betterball
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
4. New Years Eve Singles 2013
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
5. 2nd January 2014
Team of 4
2 best scores to count
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
2 best scores to count
Visitor Entry Fee £40 pp
6. 3rd January 2014
Junior Under 18
Visitor Entry Fee £20 pp
Visitor Entry Fee £20 pp
To reserve your place or book a tee time
Tel : 028 66 345 766 or ROI 048 66 345 766
Email: golfshop@lougherneresort.com
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