I’m talking about the famous concession – handed by Jack
Nicklaus to Tony Jacklin in 1969. It was a defining moment in sportsmanship and it is one that still resonates.
The 1969 competition was passionate and intense, just like
it is today, but now there’s that ‘us and them’ mentality, a sort of gunfight-at-the-OK-corral approach that
affects the players and – worse – the fans. Don’t get me wrong, there are still
great moments of sportsmanship (think Mickelson applauding Rose’s amazing putt
on 17 at Medinah) and blood was almost spilled in 1969, but, despite that, golf
in 1969 was a far more sporting and gentlemanly game than it is today – when
manners and etiquette were still at the heart of the competition.
Draw in the Dunes
is a new book by Neil Sagebiel (author of The Longest Shot), chronicling the
events that led up to this historic moment. There is a Foreword by Nicklaus and
Jacklin, and it gives a fascinating insight before you get to the story itself.
For golf fans it is a fascinating read. There is so much
history in here that you probably won’t know – or at least I didn’t know. For
instance, coming in to 1969, the Ryder Cup as an event was almost dead. The
Americans weren’t that interested because they were winning it so easily and
the American media barely covered it, even when the event was in the US. It was
practically a non-event.
Sagebiel also explains how the game of golf was played in
both the US (a bigger ball, far bigger money, a different style) and Great
Britain and how the history of the two tours evolved. It makes golf in Great
Britain sound almost insignificant. The top money earner in Great Britain/Europe
didn’t win as much in a year as one American golfer won in a single event.
These were the days when Pros weren’t pampered like they are
now. Even with Palmer and Nicklaus making waves in the world of American golf
(the opening chapter is entitled Mutiny),
such glamour was confined to the very top tier.
The story covers all of this, setting an intriguing backdrop
to the 1969 Ryder Cup at Royal Birkdale. We also get the story of Nicklaus and Jacklin and their
rise to prominence. Each was about to embark on their first Ryder Cup quest,
and each left an indelible mark on the event, both in 1969 and long after that.
What is also fascinating is the physical affect the 1969
event had on Jack Nicklaus. For those who don’t know, before Nicklaus was known
as the Golden Bear, his nickname was ‘Fats’.
The book is a great read and covers the three days of the
Ryder Cup itself, in meticulous detail. Lee Trevino, Raymond Floyd, Billy Casper
were all there. The American captain was Sam Snead, and, it has to be said, Sam
doesn’t come out of it too well. Perhaps he expected another slaughter because
he didn’t bond with his players. On the Great Britain & Ireland team were
Jacklin, Bernard Gallacher, Peter Allis and ‘Himself’ – the lone Irish player.
Peter Alliss didn’t play in the afternoon matches. Why? Because he was
commentating on the event for the BBC.
It really was a different age but that ferocious competitiveness comes through loud and clear, and Sagebiel captures every minute of it, through his story telling and through interviews with many of the event's players.
It really was a different age but that ferocious competitiveness comes through loud and clear, and Sagebiel captures every minute of it, through his story telling and through interviews with many of the event's players.
Buy it, read it, add it to your book collection – it will give you a far better insight into the
matches you’ve just been watching as well as a greater appreciation of the world's greatest ever golfer.
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