Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ireland's Best 10th Hole (Parkland)?

Anyone out there played both of these two glorious Irish golf holes?

Rathsallagh and Headfort (New).

If you have, which one do you prefer... and why?

Maybe you haven't played both of them - or either of them - but you've probably heard about the holes. Or maybe you have another suggestion. All thoughts (use the 'Comment' feature below) appreciated as I'm putting together my Top 18 Parkland Holes in Ireland... and the 10th hole is proving tricky.

Here's a photo of each:
Rathsallagh - a par four and a difficult one at that, with water crossing the
fairway and then running along the right hand side to the green.

Headfort (New) - a par four with a big carry over water before the hole
whips right, around the trees.
Those pics will, hopefully, give you an idea of what the holes promise.


  1. Lough Erne's 10th is one I'd have above these two, not because of its beauty - which it undoubtedly has - but because it's a terrific example of a short par-4 that actually works.
